I am down to 2 bags. I shipped a couple of footlockers up North to my TDY station for some bit of comfort. It is stuff like a coffee maker, blankets, water pot, extra boots, books, DVDs, etc. I have my clothing in a Bug Out bag and a suitcase. I gave my TV and DVD player to the Filipina girl who has been cleaning my room. I bought it from the guy who was there before me and I hardly used it at all. She was touched that I gave it to her. She can take it home or sell it, either way I don't care and it is better than me forking out a cash tip for her. I am going up and doing the job but I spoke to Mrs. MiG today and she is 100% behind me to do this. I just need the break before I break.
The best part about this is that I will get to watch my USC Trojans at a regular time instead of 03:00. College Football means Fall and Fall is my favorite time of the year. While the leaves don't turn colors in Texas like they do in other places I will still be able to enjoy some cool weather, BBQ, college football and my son's 6th birthday.