Red sky at morning.........

I have some folks who wonder why I never put my picture in here. The biggest reasons are for security and anonymity. Another is that I am not very photogenic. While I love photography as a hobby, I am almost never the subject of a composition.
During the sand storm of the other day I could not resist so I set a delay on the camera and ran out into the swirling dervish of red talcum powder to get this shot. Afterwards it was everywhere. It was in my hair, my eyes, my nostrils (Major Boogie Nose) , my mouth, my pockets, just everywhere. Of course it was all over my camera too. It took me about 2 hours with a can of dust off, q-tips, and alcohol to thoroughly clean my rig. It was worth it though.
This shot shows me in the storm but my facial features are blurred enough that I am OK with posting it. Those of you who know me well will state that I have cut my hair and gained weight. Roger on both points but I am now losing that gut and growing the hair back.
Looks like the red dirt in Tyler, but worse! This is your nephew by the way.
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